Industrial biotransformations by gertiefarias issuu. Globalization has hugely increased the worlds available labour supply while a flood of foreign direct investment by multinationals has unlocked new sources of advantage. Christian wandrey carried out his doctoral research at the university of hanover, receiving his phd there in 1973, and where he was assistant professor from 1974 to 1977. The development and application of biocatalysts, be it whole cell or enzymatic systems, rely on understanding the metabolism of biotic and xenobiotic substances by biological systems. The comprehensive index will allow a facile search for substrates, cnlymes and products. Pdf enzymecatalyzed reactions are widely used at the laboratory or industrial scale whereas wholecellscatalyzed reactions have been commonly. The worlds industrial transformation chatham house. Karsten seelbach holds several patents, has published several journal papers, and is coauthor of a book on industrial biotransformations. Industrial biotransformations andreas liese, karsten seelbach, christian wandrey on.
Liese, andreas seelbach, karsten wandrey, christian herausgeber. Industrial biotransformations andreas liese, karsten seelbach, christian wandrey the completely revised second edition of this userfriendly and applicationoriented overview of onestep biotransformations of industrial importance. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. The production of fine chemicals by biotransformations. Industrial biotransformations, second edition wiley online library. Industrial biotransformations andreas liese, karsten. An analysis of 4 industrial biotransformations reveals that hydrolases 44% and redox biocatalysts 30% are the most prominent categories. Industrial biotransformations pdf free download epdf. Liese a, seelbach k, wandrey c eds 2006 industrial biotransformations, 2nd edn, wileyvch, weinheim. The last 25 years have seen a dramatic transformation of the worlds manufacturing landscape. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. Today, biocatalysis is a standard technology for the production of chemicals.
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